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Thursday, 30 June 2005
My First Novel -
Topic: 1 My 1st Novel

AmerIndian 2192, a Native American science fiction novel by J. Scott Garibay, is available now for download, free, under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 license.

Download AmerIndian 2192 (Rich Text Format *.rtf)

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As a Native American, proud of my Mattaponi ancestry and culture, I am intrigued by the possibilities that exist for Native Americans in mankind?s star flung future. AmerIndian 2192 is an exploration of those bright possibilities. This science fiction novel presents the story of two brothers, Wovoka and Keokuk, restoring the Native American people to a Homeland where their culture can thrive. Lodge ships, Cybershaman rituals and Tsimshian high technology are all elements in this action-oriented tale of interstellar Elder politics and personal struggles.

Posted by garibaywrite at 12:49 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 1 July 2005 12:33 PM EDT
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